A condition in which one or more of the tiny parathyroid glands in the neck make too much hormone, which can cause various health problems.
Hyperparathyroidism happens when the parathyroid glands release high amounts of hormones. This changes the balance of calcium in the blood and in certain tissues. It can lead to weak bones, kidney stones and other conditions. Hyperparathyroidism can start in the parathyroid glands. Or it can stem from a problem such as kidney disease.
Often, hyperparathyroidism that starts in the parathyroid glands is found with lab tests before symptoms begin. But symptoms can include weak bones that break easily, kidney stones and stomach pain. A person may urinate more than usual, get tired quickly or feel weak. Other symptoms can include depression, memory problems, and bone and joint pain.
Surgery is the most common treatment for hyperparathyroidism that starts in the parathyroid glands. Surgery removes only the glands that make too much hormone. Sometimes, medicine or monitoring without treatment are options. If hyperparathyroidism is caused by kidney disease, treatment includes medicine and prescription forms of vitamin D.